Castle Library
[0, 70]
Harvey Lane
[1, 70]
the Woolmonton Arms
[2, 70]
Clapp Lane
[3, 70]
the Jeandle Monument
[4, 70]
St Patriarch's Church
[5, 70]
Gawen Avenue
[6, 70]
Lawrance Way
[7, 70]
a junkyard
[8, 70]
a factory
[9, 70]
the Rickard Hotel
[0, 71]
the Seaman Museum
[1, 71]
a junkyard
[2, 71]
Waddon Boulevard
[3, 71]
a carpark
[4, 71]
Castlehow Boulevard
[5, 71]
Dolbridge Plaza
[6, 71]
St Daniel's Hospital
[7, 71]
Mellish Towers
[8, 71]
[9, 71]
[0, 72]
a warehouse
[1, 72]
Mapson Towers
[2, 72]
Chetwind Alley
[3, 72]
Muttlebury Road
[4, 72]
[5, 72]
a carpark
[6, 72]
Deakin Alley Police Dept
[7, 72]
Pyatt Crescent
[8, 72]
Poddy Street
[9, 72]
[0, 73]
[1, 73]
Chenery Cinema
[2, 73]
Mugford Bank
[3, 73]
Haggie Square
[4, 73]
[5, 73]
the Edghill Hotel
[6, 73]
Club Shelley
[7, 73]
Meany Avenue
[8, 73]
Foulkes Place Railway Station
[9, 73]
Starcy Library
[0, 74]
Swallow Auto Repair
[1, 74]
a carpark
[2, 74]
a carpark
[3, 74]
Club Staley
[4, 74]
Sambone Lane
[5, 74]
Prye Walk
[6, 74]
a warehouse
[7, 74]
Ripper Bank
[8, 74]
the Grandfield Monument
[9, 74]
Carder Row School
[0, 75]
the Harbord Building
[1, 75]
[2, 75]
Heale Drive
[3, 75]
Bowles Avenue
[4, 75]
Stelling Lane
[5, 75]
a warehouse
[6, 75]
Stewart Road
[7, 75]
[8, 75]
Rossiter Bank
[9, 75]
the Hellard Monument
[0, 76]
Christopher Lane
[1, 76]
Galpin Towers
[2, 76]
Meacham Way
[3, 76]
Holmshaw Lane
[4, 76]
Ennitt Square
[5, 76]
Grinstead Drive
[6, 76]
the Penning Building
[7, 76]
Monro Row
[8, 76]
Evershed Auto Repair
[9, 76]
the Lord Museum
[0, 77]
Lindsey Lane Fire Station
[1, 77]
Sugar Boulevard
[2, 77]
Page Plaza Police Dept
[3, 77]
the Buskin Building
[4, 77]
Kensington Alley
[5, 77]
[6, 77]
St Eugene's Church
[7, 77]
a cemetery
[8, 77]
Thomson Drive Railway Station
[9, 77]
Lafone Alley
[0, 78]
Brandon Way Police Dept
[1, 78]
Forde Road
[2, 78]
Forward Plaza
[3, 78]
Meloney Square Railway Station
[4, 78]
Fenner Walk
[5, 78]
Morrel Grove
[6, 78]
Mullins Avenue
[7, 78]
Bissell Bank
[8, 78]
the Lettey Building
[9, 78]
the Brower Building
[0, 79]
[1, 79]
a factory
[2, 79]
Mapey Avenue
[3, 79]
St Ninian's Church
[4, 79]
Codrington Square School
[5, 79]
Chicke Bank
[6, 79]
the Byfield Building
[7, 79]
Estmond Park
[8, 79]
the Delay Building
[9, 79]
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