The suburb of Miltown.
the Bizzell Monument
[90, 90]
Gover Library
[91, 90]
a factory
[92, 90]
the Newborough Museum
[93, 90]
Banbury Street
[94, 90]
Salde Road
[95, 90]
the Loftus Monument
[96, 90]
Mussabini Place
[97, 90]
Travers Walk
[98, 90]
a carpark
[99, 90]
Glyde Bank
[90, 91]
the Cartwright Building
[91, 91]
the Eccleston Building
[92, 91]
Finnerty Auto Repair
[93, 91]
Club Otero
[94, 91]
[95, 91]
Cowdrey Grove Railway Station
[96, 91]
the McCullock Building
[97, 91]
Chiles Park
[98, 91]
the Sigel Arms
[99, 91]
Hitchcott Park
[90, 92]
a warehouse
[91, 92]
[92, 92]
Old Towers
[93, 92]
the Gough Building
[94, 92]
the Hodson Motel
[95, 92]
the Perriam Museum
[96, 92]
Batts Towers
[97, 92]
Weir Place
[98, 92]
Glode Walk
[99, 92]
Hanham Way
[90, 93]
Postlethwaite Drive
[91, 93]
a carpark
[92, 93]
[93, 93]
Wadham Square Police Dept
[94, 93]
Shuffery Bank
[95, 93]
Berrow Bank
[96, 93]
Robinson Crescent
[97, 93]
Stockwell Auto Repair
[98, 93]
the Gill Building
[99, 93]
Fricker Crescent Police Dept
[90, 94]
Restrick Crescent
[91, 94]
the Derham Building
[92, 94]
Ketley Lane Railway Station
[93, 94]
the Heward Arms
[94, 94]
Tickle Crescent
[95, 94]
Byers Avenue
[96, 94]
Randle Boulevard
[97, 94]
the Baynes Building
[98, 94]
Birmingham Bank
[99, 94]
a carpark
[90, 95]
Snoad Grove
[91, 95]
Hogyson Place
[92, 95]
Olive Walk
[93, 95]
a factory
[94, 95]
the Fliney Building
[95, 95]
the Balle Monument
[96, 95]
a carpark
[97, 95]
Richardson Walk
[98, 95]
Currington Cinema
[99, 95]
St Francis's Hospital
[90, 96]
Villar Park
[91, 96]
Tite Way School
[92, 96]
Quarles Library
[93, 96]
Hatwell Library
[94, 96]
Whitefield Way
[95, 96]
Josephine General Hospital
[96, 96]
the Bodd Museum
[97, 96]
a junkyard
[98, 96]
Woodborne Boulevard
[99, 96]
Stroude Crescent
[90, 97]
a factory
[91, 97]
Club Yorke
[92, 97]
Callistus General Hospital
[93, 97]
Atyeo Crescent
[94, 97]
Dollery Lane
[95, 97]
a carpark
[96, 97]
the Barns Motel
[97, 97]
the Weymouth Arms
[98, 97]
Cottell Drive
[99, 97]
Red Park
[90, 98]
Merryweather Boulevard
[91, 98]
Bradley Walk
[92, 98]
Porter Library
[93, 98]
Whittaker Boulevard
[94, 98]
a warehouse
[95, 98]
Bloom Avenue
[96, 98]
Ferriss Row
[97, 98]
Dawson Way
[98, 98]
McCullack Bank
[99, 98]
Donoghan Walk Fire Station
[90, 99]
a junkyard
[91, 99]
Brancker Bank
[92, 99]
Horsnell Towers
[93, 99]
Maguire Plaza
[94, 99]
a junkyard
[95, 99]
Pickering Alley School
[96, 99]
Strutt Bank
[97, 99]
Perram Square
[98, 99]
Nickells Grove
[99, 99]


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This Urban Dead resource was created by members of the Laser Squad Nemesis community.
Data by Fuzzywinker
Output by Fletch
Optimized for FireFox.

Hosted by the CDF.

Sorry for the recent down-time, dudes - I didn't realise so many people still used it! I've updated the code, so there shouldn't be any more problems and the map should stay on-line for another five years (at least). :) If you notice any bugs or want to suggest improvements, you can contact me at udmap at aypok dot co dot uk.