Dean Lane
[60, 60]
[61, 60]
St Oswald's Church
[62, 60]
a cemetery
[63, 60]
Candy Avenue
[64, 60]
Wyche Plaza
[65, 60]
Power Towers
[66, 60]
a junkyard
[67, 60]
Garrow Drive Fire Station
[68, 60]
Paskin Square Fire Station
[69, 60]
the Bryant Building
[60, 61]
Sweetapple Park
[61, 61]
the Starr Monument
[62, 61]
Wimbridge Boulevard Fire Station
[63, 61]
the Fielding Monument
[64, 61]
Coy Cinema
[65, 61]
Kemys Towers
[66, 61]
Godwin Square School
[67, 61]
Kelher Walk
[68, 61]
Dotin Walk
[69, 61]
Peter General Hospital
[60, 62]
Cossins Way
[61, 62]
Woodroffe Mall
[62, 62]
Woodroffe Mall
[63, 62]
a junkyard
[64, 62]
a warehouse
[65, 62]
a warehouse
[66, 62]
Burnham Way
[67, 62]
Annesley Way
[68, 62]
Witheroll Crescent
[69, 62]
a warehouse
[60, 63]
Corpe Park
[61, 63]
Woodroffe Mall
[62, 63]
Woodroffe Mall
[63, 63]
Conolly Row Fire Station
[64, 63]
St Joachim's Hospital
[65, 63]
Prowse Way
[66, 63]
Cunningham Street
[67, 63]
the Sequeira Motel
[68, 63]
Humpfries Walk
[69, 63]
Zeally Grove
[60, 64]
a factory
[61, 64]
the Wakley Building
[62, 64]
Powsell Road
[63, 64]
the Prangnell Arms
[64, 64]
Tavener Library
[65, 64]
the Pearson Building
[66, 64]
Diaper Library
[67, 64]
Club Shearly
[68, 64]
a warehouse
[69, 64]
Basher Row Railway Station
[60, 65]
Sears Auto Repair
[61, 65]
the Pettey Monument
[62, 65]
a warehouse
[63, 65]
the Sherren Building
[64, 65]
Kingslake Way
[65, 65]
St Boniface's Hospital
[66, 65]
Bailward Way
[67, 65]
Collis Towers
[68, 65]
a carpark
[69, 65]
a factory
[60, 66]
Lovering Avenue
[61, 66]
Winward Avenue Police Dept
[62, 66]
the Sidoli Building
[63, 66]
Friend Plaza Police Dept
[64, 66]
Vann Road
[65, 66]
Errington Crescent
[66, 66]
Cowing Walk
[67, 66]
Turford Street
[68, 66]
[69, 66]
Handel Square
[60, 67]
Keys Cinema
[61, 67]
Tatler Lane
[62, 67]
the Wisby Monument
[63, 67]
Reeves Bank
[64, 67]
[65, 67]
the Rayfield Building
[66, 67]
[67, 67]
Martine Plaza
[68, 67]
Hamlyn Lane
[69, 67]
Keeble Towers
[60, 68]
St Ambrose's Church
[61, 68]
the Mooney Monument
[62, 68]
Pattmore Road
[63, 68]
the Wells Building
[64, 68]
the Chetwynd Monument
[65, 68]
Lake Street Fire Station
[66, 68]
Augarde Lane
[67, 68]
the Ferguson Arms
[68, 68]
Vann Lane
[69, 68]
the Hellier Monument
[60, 69]
Welsford Park
[61, 69]
a cemetery
[62, 69]
Norvell Crescent
[63, 69]
St Odile's Church
[64, 69]
Cheal Street
[65, 69]
Marcus General Hospital
[66, 69]
Bawden Towers
[67, 69]
Priestly Grove
[68, 69]
the Southcott Building
[69, 69]
City Map
World View