the Wrigley Building
[70, 30]
Oakley Crescent
[71, 30]
the Haynes Monument
[72, 30]
Satchell Place
[73, 30]
Sixtus General Hospital
[74, 30]
Surridge Place
[75, 30]
Club Hesse
[76, 30]
[77, 30]
Horwill Park
[78, 30]
Swale Grove
[79, 30]
French Avenue
[70, 31]
Saddington Alley
[71, 31]
the Ryan Building
[72, 31]
Taylour Street
[73, 31]
Harry Row
[74, 31]
the Syms Museum
[75, 31]
[76, 31]
Warren Bank
[77, 31]
[78, 31]
Hayte Row
[79, 31]
the Ashment Building
[70, 32]
Chavasse Bank
[71, 32]
Fitzmaurice Park
[72, 32]
St Onuphrius's Church
[73, 32]
Chaffey Alley Police Dept
[74, 32]
Rawkins Plaza
[75, 32]
Burchall Cinema
[76, 32]
the Morris Building
[77, 32]
the Dymond Monument
[78, 32]
Windham Street Railway Station
[79, 32]
[70, 33]
Outram Drive
[71, 33]
[72, 33]
Keyford Grove School
[73, 33]
Maishman Crescent
[74, 33]
a warehouse
[75, 33]
Woollcombe Way
[76, 33]
the Bowles Museum
[77, 33]
Coomb Park
[78, 33]
St Swithun's Church
[79, 33]
the Dyett Arms
[70, 34]
Cull Boulevard Railway Station
[71, 34]
the Bustin Building
[72, 34]
Gwilliam Boulevard Railway Station
[73, 34]
McMullen Crescent
[74, 34]
Hussey Lane
[75, 34]
the Self Hotel
[76, 34]
Demack Way
[77, 34]
Inder Library
[78, 34]
Jarnell Walk
[79, 34]
Preller Road
[70, 35]
Gunningham Square
[71, 35]
the Billingham Hotel
[72, 35]
Dupe Cinema
[73, 35]
St Miltiades's Church
[74, 35]
Polgrahan Grove Railway Station
[75, 35]
a carpark
[76, 35]
Mester Square
[77, 35]
Club Swabey
[78, 35]
Nuttycombe Auto Repair
[79, 35]
the Orledge Arms
[70, 36]
Lax Place
[71, 36]
Ladner Avenue
[72, 36]
the Scadding Building
[73, 36]
a cemetery
[74, 36]
a warehouse
[75, 36]
a factory
[76, 36]
the Steeds Building
[77, 36]
the Usher Building
[78, 36]
the Godson Arms
[79, 36]
Shackle Walk Railway Station
[70, 37]
St Cynllo's Church
[71, 37]
Riste Avenue
[72, 37]
Marchant Crescent
[73, 37]
Glenmore Boulevard Railway Station
[74, 37]
Dotin Park
[75, 37]
[76, 37]
the Tudgay Museum
[77, 37]
a warehouse
[78, 37]
the Craske Museum
[79, 37]
Newberry Way
[70, 38]
Crees Lane
[71, 38]
a cemetery
[72, 38]
a junkyard
[73, 38]
Dyment Row Fire Station
[74, 38]
Lettey Drive
[75, 38]
Preen Drive
[76, 38]
[77, 38]
Ostler Towers
[78, 38]
Goldney Place Police Dept
[79, 38]
Smythies Lane
[70, 39]
the Rust Monument
[71, 39]
Bulmer Lane
[72, 39]
Lessey Row
[73, 39]
a junkyard
[74, 39]
a warehouse
[75, 39]
[76, 39]
Vigors Road
[77, 39]
Wyse Walk
[78, 39]
the Manninge Building
[79, 39]
City Map
World View